Sunday, February 26, 2012

Concise Summary: "How to Profit from Niche Websites"

Listened to an absolutely amazing interview, "How To Profit From Niche Websites By Adam Short",  by Yaro Starak, blogger, and founder of Entrepreneurs-Journey.  I've been pouring into podcasts and articles surrounding internet marketing, and hands-down, this was the most useful and impressive piece of information I have found yet.   So much so, I took detailed notes - stopping the podcast repeatedly to make sure I captured everything.  I include them below, but strongly recommend the original. 
If it sells OFF-line, it will sell ON-line. 
  • Look for bestsellers on Amazon.  It will tell you what's hot. 

Do some keyword research (Find your  "MoneyWords")
  1. Go to Google Adwords Keyword (free tool)
  2. Type in root word (It will give you a list of keywords & phrases)
  3. Look at the "Search volume"  (It's in a column next to the words)
Supply & Demand
         Example: "Soccer"
                 Number of Searches Per Month:    550,000  (Demand: how many ppl are looking for topic)

                 Number of Results in Google:    5,140,000  (Competitors trying to rank for keyword)

 Formula for a "Good" or "Bad"Keyword
         Criteria for EXCELLENT keyword: 1000 or more searches per  months
                                                                      Less than 10,000 competitors

So, "soccer" is a POOR keyword choice.   It falls well outside of the "GOOD" keyword criteria.
(Yes, it has high demand, but also HIGH competition).

High searches, low competition keywords are the money words.  The words that will help you get FREE traffic.

Build your website
Old way of doing niche marketing is just putting up a pay per click campaign and drive traffic, but since Google has changed how they manage their advertisers, it's time consuming and very hard to make a profit.  So, eliminate traffic costs.  Use basic SEO to get free traffic.   It's not impossible to receive traffic within days. 

Build a CONTENT BASED website.
Google loves content. That's why they're there - to develop good quality content.

  1. Register a Domain
  2. Put up 4-5 articles immediately
  3. Solicit email sign-ups on the main page
  4. Offer affiliate opportunities 
  5. Prepare your ebook 
  6. How do you create good content?
    1. Write it yourself
    2. Buy Ready-Made Content 
    3. Hire Someone to Write
      1. Post Ad in Craigslist in Philippines to create content, ebooks, articles 
        • Well educated, learning English early, good writers, better than many Americans, paying $150 for a really good ebooks, $3 - $5 per articles
        • Ethical considerations?  average earning per family/per month in Philippines is $250, an ebook can be turned around in a week, negotiate, make sure everyone is happy, their income will be much much higher than their neighbors, currencies are not the same around the world, economies are not equivalent, by employing folks is helping them

Drive Traffic Using an Article Marketing Campaign

Distribute and article around the net in article directories (like "Ezine")  
  • These articles create links back to your site.  Those links improve your ranking even more. 
  • Include keywords in article titles
Plan & Launch a 21 day Article Campaign
  1. Day 1 -  Submit an article to a predetermined magazine directory using a specific keyword
  2. Day 2 -  No activity
  3. Day 3 -  Submit an article to a predetermined magazine directory using a specific keyword
  4. Day 4 - No activity
  5. Day 5 -  Submit an article to a predetermined magazine directory using a specific keyword 
  6. And so on....
Soft-Market to your Email List
As folks begin to sign up to receive your free tips and tricks via your email list, launch a predetermined set of mailing to them using an auto-responder service.   

Example:  A 15 day plan
  1. Day 1 - Introductory email
  2. Day 2 - Your first helpful tip regarding the specific niche
  3. Day 3 - Your second helpful tip
  4. Day 4 - Your third tip, plus, and introduce your ebook. ...
  5. Etc
The email list THE most important aspect of the website.  It gives you an opportunity to develop a relationship with the folks who have expressed an interest in your work.  As you offer quality content and a friendly, trustworthy voice, the likelihood of of furthering your relationship increases, as does the likelihood of their purchasing products/ie: an ebook.

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