Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"NickyCakes'" First Affiliate Marketing Podcast

I'm about 48 minutes into a podcast interview of 5 young affiliate marketers talking about their observations on affiliate marketing trends, conferences (such as leadscon and affiliatesummit), legal situations, and so on.  So far, the most significant piece of knowledge that I've discerned is that I absolutely do not know sh*^ about what affiliate marketing really is and/or involves.  I've heard in passing Twitter folks refer to the affiliate marketing as, (can't remember the exact words), but basically, somewhat, er, suspect(?)    Hearing the podcast guests reference million dollar affiliate ventures being shutdown, the shock/concern that this creates for them, raises my curiosity even further.  What the hell IS this world?  I have to know more.  

Final thoughts from the guests: 

Daniel: Dig in and concentrate on your campaign, if it's not working, move on, it can take 15 campaigns before it might work, his affiliate network site: or

Charles: Plans to start a blog soon

Wes:  Make up in hours what you lack in school, use the "70/10 rule" - spend 70% of your time working on it, 20% of your time learning about it,  10% of your time talking to the people who did it

Bofu2U    "Stop fucking changing what you're doing", persistence is key, give it a couple weeks, if you're an organic guy - get tracking

Nickycakes: His contact info and website:


Now listening to the 2012 WestAffiliateSummit closing keynote address...  then plan to read more posts by Nickycakes and  articles from here.    I haven't ruled out the possibility that affiliate marketing is either too technical for me to absorb, and/or beyond my ability or comfort level.   However, until I know more, I won't be able to make a solid determination. Gratefully, I feel like STUMBLING onto these guys has been a much more solid lead than what I've come across before.  Going solidly in a more fruitful direction, I suspect - which is encouraging and makes me happy.  Also, cool is that they're generous enough to include their Twitter handles which suggests they're open to connecting with folks.  I wonder if the affiliate marketing "community"  (if there is one?) is generally open to supporting each other succeed.  Seems like if folks were competitive they would be too insular to share.   Along the lines of learning, connecting, and giving/offering support - these conferences sound huge.

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