Friday, March 16, 2012

What is "Quality Content" according to Google Panda Update?

On Feb. 24, 2011 Google began instituting a series of major changes to their algorithms with the goal of more effectively distinguishing "high quality" from "low quality" sites in effort to return the most relevant, and helpful results to their Google users.  Now, more than ever, if an affiliate doesn't add value beyond what the supplier adds, they can expect a lowered page ranking.   Effectively, this can be seen as a call to action for affiliates to strengthen their work, provide quality, and use their own authentic voice.

How can we secure our rankings & maintain "quality" as per Google?   What is a "great article"?  What is "great" content?  Writing and media that is
  • Unique, fresh, has a different angle
  • Not just a rewrite or rehashing of existing articles
  • Based on opinion
  • Telling personal stories
  • Using strong headlines, subheadings, and bullet points make it easier for readers to follow
  • Make it clear, and concise and reader-friendly
  • In your own voice
  • Well-researched and informative 
  • Accurate use of relevant terms and contextual vernacular 
  • And per Google, "You can improve your landing page quality – and Quality Score – by three things: focusing relevant and original content, transparency, and ease of navigation."

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