Saturday, March 3, 2012

Words, Lets be Friends.

OMG!  Say wha? Slow down!  Speak English! Doooood.  What does THAT mean?!      #commonlyheardphrasesinmyhead 

When it comes to learning about affiliate marketing & monetizing content, one of my biggest sources of aggravation has been the inundation of new wonky terms.  Like cracking any field, this voyage comes with an entire set of acronyms and industry specific lingo that must be learned as if it's a second language.   There's so much that authors take for granted or consider common knowledge, that for a noob like me, it can be pretty #facepalm provoking.  But, alas, I know it's just a part of the process.


Often times, I've found that to make meaning of posts, I had to decode sentence by sentence, literally googling terms and abbreviations one at a time.  It became clear that starting a list of those terms would be a good idea.  That way I could refer back to it later, pop-quiz myself,  and
jog my memory. 

So, as such, I've decided to start a new GLOSSARY PAGE to ease the pain.  I consider this a work-in-progress and will continue adding to it as I continue this journey, stumbling along, discovering new unfamiliar territory.  Day by day, I'll continue tracking.  Just like Lewis and Clarke!  Well, maybe not exactly, but...  If I can help spare someone even a modicum of the hassle/frustration of learning the "hard" way, by consolidating my steps in one place, it would be super sweet.  Super amazing.  



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